Popular frameworks/tools for to run the D&F session
I have consolidated a high-level categorization of tools/frameworks used for running a successful discovery and framing ( D&F) session with the product team and stakeholders.
Conducting regular D&F workshop is essential for finding and validating new product opportunities or solving existing customers’ problem without any assumption. D&F allows Product manager for building user-centric products and shipping it faster too. Each of these tools/frameworks categorized under D&F are very popular although I have tried to consolidate and categorize these practices to help product manager to pick and start using them in their day-to-day work.
There is no linear methods to use any of these frameworks whereas a PM and product team can pick anything which suits to their work style and org culture to analyze the customer pain point. For example, during discovery session of an existing B2B enterprise product, the popular practice is to define and mange customer/product journey map. This part of the slide only present categorization of the frameworks and further highlights the Customer Journey map- a popular way of running Discovery. Additionally, I have also explained how to “define and manage” the journey map throughout the product life cycle.